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Nusantara Shamanic Psychotherapy


Panca Dharma Bayu Suci

Panca Dharma Bayu Suci
  1. Yakin dan tunduk pada aturan Tuhan YME
  2. Tunduk dan patuh pada hukum agama, pemerintah, dan perguruan
  3. Berjiwa ksatria yang tatak, tetek, tegas dan trengginas
  4. Siap dan sanggup menyebarkan Dharma pada semua makhluk
  5. Selalu berpikir, bertutur, dan berperilaku bijak

Foto-foto Training

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro saat menjadi asisten pelatih di Pelita Jaya (Pelita Bandung Raya)

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro (nomer dua dari kiri) saat menjadi pemateri dalam Acara Indonesia Hypnosis Summit (IHS)

Suasana khusuk bersama Noeryanto A. Dhipuro dalam acara Nusantara Shamanic Psycotheraphy (NSP)

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro (kaos hitam) saat memberikan Training pentjak silat bagi peserta dari Colorado Amerika Serikat

Peserta pelatihan dari anggota TNI foto bareng bersama Noeryanto A. Dhipuro

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro (kaos hitam, paling kiri) saat memberikan Training pentjak silat bagi peserta dari Colorado Amerika Serikat

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro dalam acara parade pencak silat kota yogyakarta

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro bersama Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche dalam acara bedah buku The Joy of Living.

foto bersama peserta dalam acara IHS

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro memberikan materi pelatihan bagi para Mananger bank Mandiri


Wisata Pencak Nusantara


Rancak Pencak 2


Galeri Foto Pencak Silat For Stress Management

Noeryanto A. Dhipura,  Guru besar dan Pendiri Perguruan Bayu Suci yang juga seorang spiritualis, hypnosis, dan Neuro Linguistic Programming  (NLP) memberikan materi pelatihan manajemen dan mengelola stres kepada PNS terutama Linmas, BPBD dan Satpol PP.
Bapak walikota yogyakarta Haryadi Suyuti juga ikut dalam acara workshop (kaos putih lengan warna merah)


Pencak Silat For Stress Management

Noeryanto A. Dhipura,  pesilat Perguruan Bayu Suci yang juga seorang spiritualis, hypnosis, dan Neuro Linguistic Programming  (NLP) memberikan materi pelatihan manajemen dan mengelola stres kepada PNS terutama Linmas, BPBD dan Satpol PP.

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro profile's

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro is a Spiritualist and a practitioner of Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) that traverses over a multitude of diciplines, knowledge, and self-empowerment, including intellectual and spiritual empowerment. Since he was in Grade 4, Noeryanto A. Dhipuro has been in touch with the spiritual world while still using the traditional method through Pesantren and Padepokan.

One of his dreams is to be able to enable the understanding of Spiritualism, Misticysm, and Metaphysics with Scientific methods such as Physics, Chemistry, Pshycology and Quantum Physics. Which as of now is still very much apart and contradictionary.

Noeryanto A. Dhipuro has much interest in a lot of things in accordance to exploring human being’s basic potential, in which this lead him to get in touch with numerous knowledge about Human Beings and the Universe. This includes Mind Programming, Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Meditation, Martial Arts, Esothericsm, and Spirituality.

From his studies, he came by several views of a variety of knowledges. He seeked knowledge from the works of various great persons such as Jalaudin Rumi, Dalai Lama, Jiddu Khrisnamurti, Morihei Ueshiba, Milton Erickson, Deepack Chopra, raden Suryomentaram, Ronggo Warsito, and others. Guru Noeryanto A. Dhipuro is also officially certified as a practicioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming by the institution that was created by the founder of NLP, Richard Bandler. He also has a certificate on Souldrama from The International Institute of Souldrama USA.

In the Hypnosis community he is also approved as a certified Hypnotherapist from one of the biggest Hypnosis institutions in Indonesia, Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH). Ither that IBH he also studies a specific world known method of hypnosis called the Ericksonian hypnosis. Now he even teaches Conversational Hypnosis classes that are synergized with martial arts especially Pencak Silat and Aikido.

In his daily life he is actively involved in many activities. Be it as a Trainer, Healer, Key speaker in self-empowering seminars, while also actively teaching Silat and Meditation in various regions in Indonesia (Bali,Surabaya,Malang,Jogjakarta,Medan,Jakarta).

Other than his activities as a public speaker and also in several corporate and governmental offices, he also enjoys sharing his views and understanding on Spirituality and Culture to the general public. Thess activities inspired Guru Noeryanto A. Dhipuro to form an official study group. So on 9th of September 2009 (09/09/09) he made the Institution which is now know as Pesantren NLP Pasar Minggu.

As a self-empowerment trainer, Guru Noeryanto A. Dhipuro has shared his knowledge to thousands of people in Indonesia, in cities or the rural areas. His Allumni includes people of many progessions and social stratas, starting from Psychologysts, Psychiatrists, Doctors, Businessman, Policticians, Military, Celebrities, etc.

Perguruan Bayu Suci Profile

As a human, we have three aspect of life; Raga (Body), Akal (Mind) and Mental/Spiritual (Soul). Therefore a person is deemed healthy if those three aspects works in harmony and balance. Being Phyisically healthy is reflected on a healthy body and a strong physique. A healthy Mind (Akal) is reflected in a person’s way of thinking in his or her ability to express their emotions such as fear, joy, anxiousness, sadness, etc. A healthy Spirit (Jiwa) is reflected by how someone is able to express gratitude, grace, and faith upon a Greater Power which is God. In the pursuit of achieving harmony and balance continuous training in these three aspects Body, Mind, and Soul (Raga, Akal, dan Jiwa) is truly necessary.

The Bayu Suci is an independent familly institution that is based on the concept of harmony and balance between Body, Mind and Soul. In order to achieve harmony and balance the perguruan Bayu Suci combines classic and modern techniques. These methods include Pencak Silat (Physical Silat), Pernapasan (Breathing Method), Semedi (Spiritual Meditation), combined with NLP (Neuro-Lingusitic Programming) and Hypnosis from the modern world.

Why family as opposed to a formal institution? Because Bayu Suci isn’t merely a group of people training together, members of Bayu Suci are tied through the bond of understanding and standing as a unity that is essential and with the will to build together and help each other to grow in their own way while in doing so also strengthening the family itself.

In the effort to preserve the teaching and methods of his family and to create a future generation that is both intelligent and able to aprreciate arts, Noeryanto A. Dhipuro built his school of Bayu Suci on June 6th 2006 (06/06/06) in Semarang. This date also correlates to the birt date of the Founding Father of Indonesia, Soekarno. He is an idol and inspiration to the Guru Besar (Grand Master) and the founder of Bayu Suci spiritually and intelectually. The number 6 on the date, month, and year when added together is 18 which is 17+1. 17 Symbolizes the number of Sholat (Muslim daily Prayer) and one as the symbol of an Individual giving his all to God. Therefore, teachings in Bayu Suci is designed to help a person to achieve a higher spiritual understanding of God in it’s entirety.

As a founder, Noeryanto is a descendant from Makassar and Ponorogo. From Wengker (Ponorogo) he inherited the classic forms of “Singo Barong” and “Songgo Langit”. And from Makassar he inherited breathing methods. And his academic background from the Pesantren gave him a touch of classical traditional teaching synergized a modern method. Thats why, Ajaran Bayu Suci is highly influenced by Pencak Silat from Makassar and Ponorogo.

One of the standards of learning is determined by a disciple’s level. First is Murid Luar (Outer Disciple), which are disciples which came only to study what he/she needs or wants to learn. Second is Murid Dalam (Inner Disciple), which are disciples who is listed as a member and studies under the Bayu Suci Curriculum. Third is the Murid Keluarga (Family Disciple) for those special individuals that specializes in specific teachings of Bayu Suci and is given the rights to develop the teachings outside the formal organization. As of now Bayu Suci is ever growing in the city of Malang under the guidance of Guru Noeryanto A. Dhipuro.


Manusia merupakan susunan fisik (raga), pikiran (akal ) dan jiwa (mental/spiritual), oleh karena itu manusia sehat ketika ketiga bagian itu selaras dan seimbang. Pikiran sehat tercermin dari cara dan jalan berpikir, Emosional sehat tercermin dari kemampuan seseorang untuk mengekspresikan emosinya, misalnya takut, gembira, kuatir, sedih dan sebagainya. Spiritual sehat tercermin dari cara seseorang dalam mengekspresikan rasa syukur, pujian, kepercayaan dan sebagainya terhadap sesuatu di luar alam fana ini, yakni Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. Misalnya sehat spiritual dapat dilihat dari praktik keagamaan seseorang. Dengan perkataan lain, sehat spiritual adalah keadaan dimana seseorang menjalankan ibadah dan semua aturan-aturan agama yang dianutnya. Dalam mencapai keselarasan dan keseimbangan olah fisik, olah pikiran dan olah jiwa menjadi sesuatu yang niscaya.

Keluarga Bayu Suci sebagai lembaga independen hadir dengan konsep keselarasan dan keseimbangan fisik, pikiran, dan jiwa. Untuk mencapai itu, perguruan ini memadukan keilmuan klasik dan modern, seperti silat fisik, jurus pernafasan, meditasi, spiritual serta membekali murid-muridnya dengan NLP dan Hypnosis.

Kenapa keluarga? Karena Bayu Suci bukan hanya orang-orang yang berkumpul dalam satu wadah semata, namun orang-orang ini diikat dengan pengertian dan merasa berdiri sebagai satu gabungan yang hakiki, esensial dan berkehendak bersama-sama memperteguh gabungan itu untuk memuliakan masing-masing anggotanya.

Atas dasar melestarikan ajaran dan keilmuan keluarga serta menciptakan generasi yang intelek dan mencintai seni, Noeryanto A. Dhipuro mendirikan perguruan ini pada tanggal 06 Juni 2006 di ( 06/06/06 ) Semarang. Tanggal ini juga bertepatan dengan tanggal lahir tokoh nasional pendiri bangsa yaitu Soekarno, ia adalah sosok idola dan panutan guru besar dan pendiri perguruan ini dalam hal spiritual dan intelektual. Angka enam pada tanggal, bulan dan tahun jika ditambahkan berjumlah delapan belas, delapan belas adalah pecahan dari tujuh belas ditambah satu. Tujuh belas adalah jumlah shalat wajib tiap hari sedangkan satu sebagai symbol individu yang menghamba kepada Tuhan. Oleh karena itu, ilmu-ilmu yang diajarkan di Bayu Suci sebagai penopang untuk mencapai tatanan spiritual yang lebih tinggi. Selaras dengan tujuan penciptaan manusia yaitu untuk menghamba kepada Tuhan.

Aliran silat dan beberapa keilmuan di Bayu Suci banyak dipengaruhi dari Makasar dan Ponorogo, ini dikarenakan pendiri merupakan keturunan dari dua daerah tersebut. Dari wengker (ponorogo) ia mewarisi jurus klasik singo barong dan songgo langit. Sedangkan dari makasar ia lebih banyak mewarisi jurus-jurus pernafasan. Adapun background pesantren pendiri memberikan sentuhan pendidikan dengan model klasik dengan bungkusan modern.

Salah satu tolak ukur pembelajaran ditentukan dengan tingkatan anggota. Pertama Murid Luar, yaitu anggota yang datang untuk belajar ilmu sesuai kebutuhan, kedua Murid Dalam yaitu anggota yang terdaftar dan belajar sesuai kurikulum, ketiga Murid Keluarga yaitu anggota yang memiliki spesialisasi keilmuan tertentu dan diberi kewenangan untuk mengembangkan keilmuan diluar organisasi. Sekarang Bayu Suci semakin berkembang di Kota Malang dalam bimbinga GURU Noeryanto A Dhipuro.
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